Frequently Asked Questions
Important Note:
Please note the questions below are most frequently asked by us in our contact-us-form. The best and fastest way to get started is to fill out our merchant account setup form. A rep from the back-office will then follow up with you by email and telephone to get your merchant account setup. The most frequent question we get is "Do you have a merchant solution for xyz type of business" And our response most of the time is Yes! We work with many banks and usually have a solution for just about everyone.Frequently Ask Questions
Do you have a merchant account solution for xxx ...?
One of the most frequent contact-us questions we get is do you offer a credit card merchant solution for business type "X". Generally speaking we work with over a dozen merchant banks and generally have a solution for everyone including those business that need high risk merchant account processor solution.
The easiest way to get started is to simply fill out our application form. A representative will then review your information and contact you by email or telephone to go over your business if you are a new one, or existing one and provide the best solution we can. Its difficult to determine a merchant solution without filling out our app form. A friendly team member will then follow up with you and gather the information we need to get you approved.
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What are the Rates we will pay ...?
Rates vary depending on the nature of your business. For example a Grocery Store which accepts credit cards as a retail establishment in person, will have a lower rates then an online adult book store or online pharmacy needing a merchant account.
In general rates can vary as low as: 1.6% for a retail supermarket up to 10% for extremely high-risk business.
It is difficult for us to quote a rate for you realisticly without knowing your business information. By simply filling out our merchant application form, our team can then determine and quote you the best possible rate we can dependant on your business and merchant history. Some merchant account websites may list very "low rates" but they probably are misleading because they do not know what your business is, what type of volume, average ticket, how long you been doing business, etc.
Its similar to applying for an auto loan or mortgage and asking before applying what your interest rate will be. Without the bank knowing your credit history its impossible to quote you a rate.
Note: We want your business though and of course will do whatever we can to get you approved for the lowest rate possible. Simply fill out our app form: Click Here to Apply for a Merchant account and a team member will follow up with you and get you setup as quickly as possible.
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Do you offer Offshore accounts. ...?
Yes, we offer offshore and international merchant account solutions. To get started please fill out our merchant account application form. A representative will then review your information and contact you by email or telephone to go over your business if you are a new one, or existing one and provide the best solution we can.
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My Business is considered High Risk ...?
Yes, we offer high risk merchant account solutions. Most merchant account services will refuse to work with high risk accounts such as adult, travel, moto, mlm, legal pharmacy, dating websites, collection agencies, offshore, etc. We routinely work to get merchant accounts approved for these type of high risk businesses.
We also offer some of the lowest rates for lower risk retail establishments. Even if you have a merchant account already we recommend to evaluate what we can offer as far as better rates go for your processing.
To get started please fill out our merchant account application form. A representative will then review your information and contact you by email or telephone to go over your business if you are a new one, or existing one and provide the best solution we can.
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