  • Firearm and Ammo Supply Stores
  • Wholesalers and Retailers
  • Online and Retail Establishments
  • New Business and Established Business Solutions
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Gun Shop Credit Card Processing Services

Due to the nature of these businesses many business many banks will not process credit cards for your customer purchases even though your product is perfectly legal. We support the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms which has been set set down as the land of the law by the Supreme Court multiple times. Despite this fact many banks will not provide your business with billing solutions For your ffls industry.. They label these as high risk despite that there probably isn't any chargeback issues they just don't want to be associated with gun owner products and services. That's where advantage processors comes in, we provide merchant service solutions for gun dealers, hunting and fishing supply stores, weapons manufacturers, ffls rifle and ammo shops, etc. Taking credit cards from your customers is vital to your business and revenue opportunities. If you sell at gun shows we also have mobile solutions so that you can take and process a transaction through a mobile phone or device such as the iPhone, iPad, or android cellular phones. Typically a gun purchase can run from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars and your customers don't carry this type of cash around. That's where the convenience of taking debit and credit cards comes in.

Our Services and Solutions:

  • Best Rates Available for Your Retail Establishment
  • Established or New Business OK
  • Free Rate Comparisons Available to Establish Processing Stores
  • E-Commerce/Internet Website or in Person Transactions
  • High Risk and High Volume OK
  • Mobile swipe for iPad, iPhone and Android Devices


Fire arm suppliers merchant account rates will depend on various factors these factors include: is the business and online business or is it a card swipe transaction process where the customer presents their credit card to you in person. It will also depend on if you are new business or an established one with a transaction processing history. For an off-line business such as an army and navy store that sells ammo or hunting knives, etc. your rates will be lower typically lower than 2% because you are getting the customer signature and can verify their identity in person. If you are a online business rates are going to be higher due to the nature of the business and because it is more a difficult to confirm the identity of the purchaser. For an e-commerce business rates will range in the 2 to 4% range however if it offshore solution is needed then rates could be higher for an international merchant account bank. If you are an ffls firearm dealer established business and are already taking credit cards we can review your merchant processing statements and frequently offer a better deal than you are getting now and this comparison is free. Make sure that you have all your paperwork readily available including licensing documentation for your state . To get started you can simply fill out this form or you can call us and a friendly customer service representative can help you get started.

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