  • Cigar Retailers and Wholesalers
  • Hookahs Bongs Glass Pipe Stores
  • Online and Ecommerce Websites
  • Retail Establishments have Low Rates
Apply for a Merchant Account

Tobacco Industry Merchant Account

Many small businesses whether new or established have difficulty finding a bank that will help them with taking credit cards from their customers in this type of industry. Billing payment providers in many cases simply do not want to be associated with these types of glass smoke shop products or they might find that there are age restrictions and laws that are difficult to keep track of. If you have a website or a retail establishment and need transaction processing for Visa and MasterCard and Amex, we can assist you. Some banks will often times take your type of business and then drop you later for no apparent reason even if you have low chargebacks. Most banks will also flag your account as high risk even if you don't have any chargebacks. Advantage processors routinely places many companies like yours with merchant processing accounts. High risk and high-volume accounts are OK for both online sellers and retail storefront locations. If you have a Capped Volume issue or need a backup account in case your provider drops you later we can assist you with solutions for that as well. Rates for Retail Swipe face to face transaction customers that are simply selling glass pipes are as low as 1.90% Lower then paypal and square, and best of all you will not be abruptly "Shut Off" for selling items prohibited by them. For Online Retailers, rates are typically around 2.50-3.00% range depending on how long you have been in business.

Some of the Business Categories We Have Solutions for:

  • Cigar Shops, Roll Your Own Cigarettes
  • Smoking Accessories, Glass Pipes Retailers, Hookahs and Bongs
  • Legal Herbal Products, Kratom
  • Bulk Wholesale Distributors and Retailers welcome
  • E- Cigarettes, Electronic Cigarettes, e-Juice
  • For Internet Websites E-Commerce
  • Retail Store Establishments with Terminals
  • New or Established Business
  • Works with Verifone, Hypercom, Igenico Terminals
  • Free Credit Card Terminal Placement Program Available
  • Options for frozen, denied, closed, shut off by other companies like First Data
  • Compatible with Authorize.net, NMI, USAEPAY, and all payment processing gateways
  • Age Restricted Products
  • Mail Order/Virtual Terminal Setup
  • Continuity programs, Recurring Billing Options, Wholesalers and Retailers


We can work with you if you are looking for a provider this friendly towards cigar and cigarette businesses.We offer some of the best rates in the industry. Rates typically fall in the 2 to 3% range but may be higher depending on your business. If you are retail establishment that takes credit cards in person such as a tobacco store or head shop your rates will be below 2% if you get the customer signature. We also can help you with the free terminal placement program if you swipe credit cards in person. If you are an e-commerce shopping site and need a gateway provider that takes your type of products we can assist you with that also.  If your online business your rates will depend on your type of business, what exactly you are selling and if you need a domestic or offshore solution. We have international and offshore solutions available for these industries.  If you are an established business you should get your documentation ready such as current processing statements, Corporation documentation, website information if available. We can also assist you if you are a new business, good credit is usually important but in some cases we can assist you if your credit is fair or poor. To get started and set up to take your clients credit cards, you can call us or you can fill out this form and an agent will follow up at you for additional documentation.

Get started today!

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