  • Startup and New Businesses OK
  • No Setup or Application Fees
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Understanding Credit Repair Merchant Accounts  

Running a credit repair company is not easy in the modern world, but the good news is that it can be a great business to run. As long as you have the right merchant account from a company that is not going to charge you outrageous rates and fees. At Advantage Processors, we have a lot of experience dealing with businesses that help their clients repair their credit. We understand how to help this type of company be able to accept credit card payments online as well as a lot of other services.  

High Risk Merchant Accounts  

A company that helps consumers with credit repair is generally going to be considered high risk because so many less that reputable businesses have tried to use credit repair as a way to scam consumers. The problem is that the legitimate companies that really help their customers are lumped in with the bad guys. When your business is considered high-risk, it can be very difficult to get access to any kind of merchant services let alone find them with favorable terms. That's where we comes into the picture.

Rates Vary by Startup vs Established Companies with History  

Your rates are going to vary on your business history. For example, if you're a start-up, the rates are going to be higher because of the additional risk factor of not having a history of good business practices. On the other hand, if you've been in business for a while and have been shown to be trustworthy and operate legally, your rates will likely go down. While start-ups are able to get a merchant account, it's important to note that the fees for them may be higher.   What to Look for in a Merchant Account   If you are helping clients repair their credit, you are likely going to need a variety of merchant services. Here's a list of some of the major ones you want to think about.  

  • ACH Processing/Check Processing - If your clients are going to be making payments, you want to be able to have them write an "electronic check." Offering ACH processing means you can get your money in.
  • Processing Credit Cards - With the right merchant account, you should be able to accept payments via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. The more you can accept, the easier it will be to get your monthly payments.
  • No Setup Fees - You also want to look for a merchant account that doesn't have outrageous setup fees. In fact, you should be able to easily find a company willing to charge no setup fees to get you going. Fortunately with us there are no application fees and no setup fees for credit card merchant services.
  • Multiple Underwriting Banks - If one bank decides to back out and not process your payments, you want to be sure that you have other banks that are underwriting the transactions so that your business doesn't grind to a halt.  


If you run a credit repair business, you should know that Advantage Processors is able to help with all of the services listed above and more. Being able to take payments via credit card and ACH is crucial if you want your company to survive let alone thrive.

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